An image of a teenager with anxiety looking at their reflection in a bathroom mirror.
Anxiety is the word used to describe fear or worry which does not go away.

What is anxiety?

While we may have feelings of worry at times, anxiety can become a problem when it stops us doing everyday things such as:

What can happen when we are anxious?

If we feel anxious, we might feel fearful, nervous or out of control. Talking to someone can really help when we are anxious.

If you feel anxious, you are not alone. You have a right to support. Is there a trusted adult you can talk to about how you are feeling? You can always talk to Childline.

Other supports available include:​

is a site provided by the HSE. There you can find information about many issues related to mental health and also find information about other support services.​

is the National Centre for Youth Mental Health. Jigsaw Services provide young people aged 12-25 with a place they can visit for free and confidential support from trained mental health professionals.


The HSE's Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, known as CAMHS

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