Alex's Answer

What happens if I am at risk

Your Question

If i am at Risk do emergency services be called


Hi there and welcome to Ask Alex.  

You have asked us “If i am at Risk do emergency services be called”. You have the right to feel safe and always protected from any harm.  We would be concerned to hear that you may be at risk. Well done for getting in touch with us, this is a great first step. 

If you ever feel unsafe either at home or anywhere else, you can contact the Gardaí at 999 or 112. Both these numbers are free of charge. Here is an article which may help you decide if you are at risk . 

If you think you are at risk, you may decide to ask Childline to get help for you. We will explore what is going on for you and then ask you to give us your contact details. However, this is always your decision and Childline will not force you to give information if you are not ready. However, if you do decide that you would like Childline to get you help, then we will contact either the Gardaí if is an immediate risk, or we will contact Túsla (the Child and Family Agency). Both these organisations’ job, is to make sure that every young person under the age of 18 in Ireland, is living in a safe environment. 

We know that it can be helpful to talk to someone about how you feel and have some support moving forward. Do you have a family member that you could talk to about this, or maybe someone you trust outside of your family? We understand it can be hard asking for help sometimes; so, you might find this article useful   

Remember Childline is here 24 hours, 7 days a week to listen and support you. You do not have to go through anything on your own. You can contact us by phone on 1800 66 66 66 for free, or by webchat at, just click the orange Live Chat button to start the chat. 

Thanks again for trusting us with your question. We hope to hear from you very soon. 

Take care of yourself, 


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