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Abuse is any intentional behaviour that harms you or someone else. If someone is harming you, whether hurting your body or hurting your feelings, it is never your fault, and you have the right to be safe and protected from it. This article will tell you a little but more about the different types of abuse that can happen, and how you can find help if you or someone you know is being abused.  

If you’re being hurt, it’s ok to tell somebody 

Abuse is never ok. It is never your fault. You have a right to be safe from harm. No matter what you might be going through, it’s really important that you tell somebody what is happening. 

Is there an adult you trust who you can talk to about what is happening? You can also contact us here in Childline by phone, or live chat. We are always here to listen to you and support you. 

How do you know if you’re being abused? 

There are lots of different forms of abuse. We’ve listed the four main types of abuse here, with some examples.  

Remember, these examples don’t cover everything. If you’re unsure, please talk to a trusted adult or contact Childline to find out more.  

Physical abuse 

Physical abuse is where somebody hurts your body; it may leave marks or bruises, e.g. hitting, pushing, kicking, shaking, biting or scratching. 

Sexual abuse 

Sexual abuse is where somebody makes you get involved in sexual activity, e.g. touching genitals or breasts, kissing, showing you pornography or watching you naked. 

Emotional abuse 

Emotional abuse is hurting you with words or not properly caring for you emotionally, e.g. name calling, shouting, rejecting, ignoring or criticising you or fighting in front of you. 


Neglect is when you aren’t given the things you need to feel safe and secure, e.g. you’re not helped when you’re hurt or sick, you’re not given enough food to eat or a place to live, or you’re left alone for long periods of time. 

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What might you be feeling if you’re being abused? 

There are lots of different emotions you might feel if you’re being abused by somebody. These are just some examples. Remember, Childline is always here to support you if you experience any of these feelings. 

  • Guilty or ashamed 
  • Confused 
  • Embarrassed 
  • Angry 
  • Depressed 
  • Scared 
  • Hurt 
  • Lonely 
  • Worried 

Find an adult you trust 

It’s important to find an adult you trust and feel safe talking to. A trusted adult may be a parent, an adult relative, an adult friend, a teacher, a coach, a school counsellor, a doctor or nurse. If you can’t find anyone in your life who you are comfortable talking to, contact Childline and we will listen to you and give you support. 

Key takeaways

  • Abuse is any intentional behaviour that harms you or someone else.
  • If you are being abused it is never ever your fault, it is always the fault and choice of the abuser.
  • There are 4 main types of abuse: physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect.
  • Being abused can cause you to feel a whole range of very confusing emotions.
  • Its important to find an adult you trust to talk to about abuse. You can also talk to us, 24/7, and we will listen and support you.

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