Alex's Answer

Use martial arts to hurt you

Your Question

can parents do brazilian jiu jitsu on you to try and hurt you


Hi there, thank you for your question!

You would like to know can parents do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to try to hurt you.

No one has the right to hurt or harm you in any way, and we are sorry if this has happened to you. You’re being very brave to ask us about this. You should be able to feel safe and cared for.  

Would this be something that happens often? If you feel like you are ever in immediate danger, you can contact the emergency services on 911 or 112. These can be the Gardaí or an ambulance if you have been hurt. The most important thing is that you can be kept safe. This article may explain the different types of abuse for you

Do you have a trusted adult in your life who you can chat with about what’s been happening? This can be a neighbour, teacher or a coach for a team you play with. Sometimes it can be helpful to chat with someone about what’s been happening, and they would be able to help support you, and/or keep you safe.  

You can also contact Túsla, The Child and Family Services Agency in Ireland. They have social workers who would be able to support you through family issues. It is their role to make sure young people are cared for and looked after. We understand it can be hard to ask for help but there will always be someone out there who is able to support you.  

If you would like to talk about this some more, our Childline Team are here to help and support you too. We do not judge, and we can explore your options with you. You can contact us any time of the day or night. The Childline Listening service never closes. We are here for you 24/7, every single day of the year. Our free phone service is 1800 66 66 66 or chat with us through our webchat service, by clicking on the purple Messenger circle at  

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us, and we hope you found this information helpful.   

Take care of yourself, and remember, you do not have to go through anything on your own, ever,


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