Alex's Answer

My friend said she is going to kill herself

Your Question

My friend has multiple suicide attempts and shes saying shes going to kill her self tonight i called her and she hung up i don’t know what to do 


Hi there, welcome to Ask Alex and thanks for getting in touch.
It sounds like you are looking to find out how to help your friend who seems to be going through a really hard time; she is lucky to have someone caring like you who is looking out for her.
It must have been really upsetting for you that she hung up on you, especially after telling you that she was going to kill herself. If you are worried about your friend, you have the right to talk to a trusted adult. But if that is not an option for you, you would be able to contact the Gardaí on 999/112 if you think she is in immediate danger.
As well as being concerned for your friend, we would be concerned about you and how all of this has made you feel. It can be really difficult when someone close to us talks about suicide. There are organisations that both you and your friend can contact for support. One being Pieta House Another organisation would be Jigsaw, which supports young people who may be struggling with their mental health There is also an article on the Childline website which talks about supporting friends, which can be found here
You and/or your friend are also very welcome to contact the team at Childline on the freephone number 1800 66 66 66. Or if you prefer, you could use our Live Chat on (click on the orange live chat button/tab). This is also a free service, and all of our services are confidential and open 24 hours a day. You can call us if you just feel like having a chat, or if you have something particular on your mind. We would love to hear from you.
Thanks so much for reaching out. Take care of yourself,

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