Alex's Answer

How do I support someone who is self-harming

Your Question

How can i help someone who might be self harming? 


Hi, welcome to Ask Alex and thank you so much for reaching out to us.  

You are wondering how you might help someone who might be self-harming. Self-harm can be a way people cope with difficult or overwhelming feelings.  It seems like you are really good person, and you want to help. It is very important that this person has support, as it can be a difficult thing to go through alone. 

Have you tried speaking to this person about self-harm? It might seem that no one understands what they are going through but please remember that help is available. Perhaps, you have an adult that you trust and that you could talk to, that could help you seek support for this person, perhaps a teacher, youth worker, parent, family member? It is also good for you yourself, to have help and support while trying to help this person.   

There are organisations that can help support young people who are self-harming and guide them in the right direction. One such place is Pieta House . Another is Jigsaw who deals with mental health and the HSE who also have some very good guidance and support for mental health which can be reached on The Childline website also has some articles which you and your friend might find helpful and   

If you would like to talk to us before you go to an adult you trust, Childline would be more than happy to hear from you and your friend too, separately or together. You can either phone us on 1800 66 66 66 or webchat with us at (just click on the orange Live Chat button) where you can chat free. Childline is a confidential and non-judgemental space for all young people, whether you have a big issue or a small issue. We are open all day, every day, so nobody needs to feel alone. Childline is always here.  

Once again thank you for reaching out to us. Take care of yourself 


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