Alex's Answer

How can I help my friend who is self harming

Your Question

How can i help my friend who is doing self harm 


Hi there and welcome to Ask Alex. 

You are wondering how you can help and support your friend who is self-harming. Well done for reaching out and looking for some help. You seem like you are a very supportive friend.  

You might be feeling worried about your friend who is self harming, and it is normal for you to want to help them. It is important that you are also supported with this as it can be tough on you too. Do you have someone you trust who you can talk to about this? 

It is important for your friend to reach out to a trusted adult who can help them with their current situation. If your friend cannot do this, you may need to reach out for some support so that you can manage this appropriately. Speaking to an adult who can help you source the right supports can make sure your friend is as safe as possible. Trying to help someone who is struggling with their mental health can be tough and it is important for you to also look after yourself too. 

Some of the support that is available to your friend includes: Pieta House- they offer support for those at risk of self harm and for those concerned about others who are at risk, the can be contacted on 1800 247 247 or by Text to 51444. You can find more information on their website at Reachout provide a web based service that helps young people get through tough times by providing information on mental health you can find out more on  

You may also find some articles on our website helpful such as: 

If you feel like you would like some further support in relation to supporting your friend or if you would like to speak to someone in confidence about this experience more  you can call Childline and speak to a trusted adult 24/7 on 1800 66 66 66, you may prefer to speak to some one through or webchat service which can be reached by going to and clicking on the Orange Tab on the right-hand side of your screen.  

Take care of yourself,  


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