Alex's Answer

Exam Stress

Your Question

How do I prevent stress because in my mocks I get so stressed that I totally forgot everything and can’t remember anything I’ve learnt 


Hi there and welcome to Ask Alex.  

Thank you for reaching out to us as we know it’s not easy at times to reach out for help and support. 

You’re saying that you got so stressed in your mocks that you couldn’t remember and forgot everything. You’re now looking for ways to manage this stress better? 

It’s understandable that you may be feeling stressed at the moment – exams in general can be stressful in themselves.  It’s a regular question we get at Ask Alex, so please know you are not alone.   

The good news is there are many different ways to help manage our stress levels.  Most are summed up in these articles – and 

Although preparation and studying for the exams is important, it’s also just as important for you to take time out for yourself and do something you enjoy. Doing things we enjoy can help us re-set our stress levels, and help us relax too.  Make sure you include time for some of your meaningful activities when making a study plan. 

Eating healthily, getting some exercise and a good nights sleep are also very important in managing stress levels.  Making sure you get out for a walk and some fresh air every day will not only help when feeling stressed, but helps with sleeping better too.    

It can also be helpful to share your feelings with a trusted adult, maybe a parent, aunt, uncle or grandparent, guidance counsellor or a teacher, so you don’t feel alone. If you don’t feel ready to chat with someone you know, you can always reach out to talk to us here at Childline, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1800 66 66 66 or chat to us through our webchat service, by clicking on the purple Messenger circle on Our services are free and confidential.  

We hope you found our answer helpful.  

Thank you for reaching out and take care, 


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