Alex's Answer

Being hit for trying to say something

Your Question

how can i get away from .my parent stop them hitting me for tryng to say somthing 


Hi, thanks getting in touch and asking your question. 

It sounds like you are going through some difficulties in your relationship with your parents and we’re sorry to hear about this. 

It’s normal for emotions to run high in certain situations but you deserve to be safe at home and to be kept safe by the adults in your life. It seems like you aren’t being given the space to express yourself or say something without having to worrying about being hit. This doesn’t sound fair. You should have the safe space to offer your opinion and say how you feel. 

It’s important to know that it’s never ok for someone to hurt you physically. Remember, nobody has the right to hit someone who is under the age of 18 as it is illegal. You can see more info about this here: We’ve included another link with information about violence in the home which you may find useful: 

You are very brave to come and ask a question here but if you needed to talk more about it, is there someone you trust like a friend or family member? Sometimes sharing our problems can really help us deal with them.  

If you require further support, you can also contact Childline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Chatting is free and confidential. You can talk to us by phone at 1800 66 66 66or chat to us on our webchat at, just click on the purple messenger tab on the side of the screen. It’s a safe place for you to discuss your thoughts and feelings and not be judged. 

It’s important to remember that you’re not alone in this situation and that there are people who care about your well-being. Remember to prioritise your safety and well-being above all else, and don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you need it.

We hope this is helpful to you and wish you the best in sorting out this situation with your parents. Remember we are always here to listen to you. 


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