Alex's Answer

Who owns this website

Your Question

Who owns this website


Hi there, you are very welcome to Ask Alex,

You are wondering who owns this website; ISPCC (Irish Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) owns this website. ISPCC has a suite of services for children, young people and their families. You can find out about them here

The website is one of those services. There are 100s of articles on 100s of topics. Ask Alex is another service, where young people can ask a question and the answer be published on the Childline website, should there not be a similar question answered and published recently. You can find out more about Ask Alex here

Probably the most well-know ISPCC service is Childline Listening. It is Ireland’s only 24-hour free support service for young people 18 years and younger. You can access the service by phone at 1800 66 66 66 or if you prefer to message, through Live Chat on our website (just click on the Orange Live Chat tab, on the right-hand side of your screen). These services are confidential and non-judgemental. There is always somebody there to chat with you, for any reason, anytime.

We hope this has answered your question. Look after yourself,


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