Alex's Answer

When will I get my period

Your Question



Hi there, thank you for contacting Ask Alex.
We appreciate you reaching out to us, and we are very happy to help.
You asked, “When do I get my period?” In our reply, we will refer to menstruation. Menstruation is another word that can be used instead of period. This is a very important topic to know about, and a very sensible question to ask.
Puberty is a cycle, and everyone will hit puberty at different times in their life. This can be a big milestone in your life, and it’s important to feel supported throughout this change and have all the right information. Please see this link: This article is written by the HSE and will be helpful to you and give you the information you need.
Alternatively, you could reach out to an adult you trust and ask them for some support around this transition in your life and share with them any questions you have. You may also find this article helpful
It may also help to speak with some trusted and trained team members to answer your questions around puberty. Childline is always here to speak and listen to you. At Childline, we are focused on you and what is important to you. The services are free and available 24 hours a day. The team does not judge anything you say. You can contact us through our telephone service by calling 1800 66 66 66 or by web chat (via Live Chat) that you can access through our website 
We are proud of you for reaching out and asking for help,

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