Alex's Answer

What do I do

Your Question

Im gonna kill myself tomorrow at 8am. What do i do and how do i do it?


Hi there and welcome to Ask Alex.
You have been very brave to contact us.
We are concerned to hear you are considering suicide and are planning on doing it tomorrow morning. Since you have intense or frequent thoughts of dying or a specific plan for suicide, it’s time to get help. It is very important to speak to someone as soon as possible, as you are not alone and there is support out there for you.
If you need immediate help, you can contact the Gardaí at 999 or 112. Both these numbers are freephone numbers.
You have the right to seek help and support for how you are feeling and the thoughts you are experiencing. Have you spoken to your family about your suicidal thoughts? If you feel that you cannot talk to anyone in your family, do you have another adult in your life that you trust and can talk to? This adult can be an aunt, uncle, teacher, or a school counsellor. It is your parents’ and other adults’ responsibility to make sure you get the help and support you need and deserve. You also have a right to professional help, like talking to your doctor or a counsellor, to share your feelings and thoughts about suicide.
You have a right to get help and support for what you are going through. There are support services available to help you, such as:
These services can provide support and advice regarding your thoughts and feelings about suicide. You may also need the help of professionals like doctors or counsellors. You have the right to be listened to and to be heard. It is important for your own mental well-being that you get this help and support.
If you would like to talk about this in more detail, you are very welcome to chat with us here at Childline through our freephone service at 1800 66 66 66 or through our webchat service by clicking on the purple Messenger circle at Childline services are free and confidential and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Take care of yourself. Know that you are not alone, ever. We are always here for you, anytime, for any reason. We hope to hear from you again real soon,

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