Alex's Answer

What Do Childline Do?

Your Question

What do childline do


Hi, welcome to Ask Alex and thanks for getting in touch. 

You are wondering what Childline does, and we are happy to help you with this question.   

Childline is a support service for all children and young people up to the age of 18 in Ireland.    

You can talk with Childline in confidence, about anything that might be on your mind, and we won’t judge you, give out to you or tell you what to do. We’re here to listen and we’ll help you to figure out the best solution for you. 

We try to empower, support, and protect young people like you every day. You don’t have to have a problem to talk to Childline. 

Childline services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are free and they are confidential. There are 4 ways to get in contact with Childline, by phone, text, web chat and Ask Alex 

You can contact Childline by calling 1800 66 66 66. You can also chat with us live on this website, or, if you prefer to text, you can contact Childline by sending a text to 50101. 

The Childline website has lots of helpful information such as your rights as a child, privacy and protecting your data, an advice and information section, as well as the Ask Alex service!  You can find out more at 

We hope that this information is helpful and please get in touch if you have any other questions. 

We are here and happy to help! 

Take care  


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