Alex's Answer

Thank you

Your Question

Hey alex. I just want to say, thank you. Sincerely. You’ve helped me a lot. I just want to thank you for being respectful, open, and kind. Its not like I’m leaving the site or anything I love this site I ain’t leavin til the moment I turn 19 Lol. But basically I just want you, and everyone at this site how wonderful and how helpful you guys are. Also I just want to let other kids/teens reading this know, you’re not alone and i loves you. (Not in a weird way. ) I care about you. Alright? You’re gorgeous/handsome. I don’t care if you think the opposite. You’re lying to yourself. Stop S.H.(self harm) anyways, alex, childline, I hope you know how loved you are and how much you help kids like me.


Thank you so much for your kind words.

It’s really heartening to hear that we’ve been able to help you. Your courage in reaching out and your openness about your feelings are truly admirable.

Remember, you’re never alone, and there’s always support available. Keep being your amazing self, and know that you are valued.

Take care and look after yourself,


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