Alex's Answer

Suicidal ideation

Your Question

What is the least painful form of suicide


Hello there, thank you for contacting us,
Well done on reaching out to Ask Alex. It takes immense courage to open up about such difficult thoughts, and we want you to know that you are not alone in this. Whatever you’re going through, there are people who care about you and want to support you through it.
We understand that life can feel overwhelming at times, and it may seem like there’s no way out of the pain you’re experiencing. But we want to assure you that suicide is not the answer. There are always other options, even if they may not be immediately apparent. 
It’s vital to remember that there are people who care about you deeply and want to help. If you’re ever feeling unsafe or in immediate danger, please reach out to emergency services by dialling 999 or 112. Your safety is the top priority.
If you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts or feelings, please know that help is available. Organisations like Pieta House offer support and resources for individuals dealing with suicidal ideation. You can reach out to them at for confidential assistance. Their freephone number is 1800 247 247 or you can text HELP to 51444.
Additionally, Childline is here for you 24/7 to provide support and guidance. You can contact us for free at 1800 66 66 66 or reach out through our Live Chat service at Our team is ready to listen to you without judgment and help you explore your options. You may find this article helpful too
Please remember that you are valued, loved, and deserving of support. You don’t have to face your struggles alone. There are people who care about you deeply and want to help you through this difficult time. You are never alone.
Please reach out to us at Childline or Pieta House real soon if you feel you can’t talk to anyone you know just yet,

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