Alex's Answer


Your Question

Is sharenting bad? 


Hi there,
Thank you for getting in touch with us here at Ask Alex today, and thank you for your question. You’re wondering if sharenting is bad.
Sharenting refers to when parents share photos or information about their children online. It’s a really great question to ask. We are all so used to sharing many aspects of our lives online without considering the impact of that sharing on ourselves and on the people we know.
Parents can share photos or information about their children online for lots of reasons, the main one probably being that they want to stay connected with their family and friends, some of whom might live far away. Sharing special moments can be a lovely part of social media.
However, the important thing to consider here is you, the young person, and your right to privacy. Since you’re asking us this question, it sounds like you might be feeling unsure about posts being shared of you on social media. That’s understandable and completely okay to feel like that. It’s important that your parents consider your feelings and talk to you about images or information they might want to share, along with getting your permission to post photos or videos of you and respecting your decision if you don’t want any to be shared.
Have you ever been able to talk with your family about sharenting? If you’re feeling unsure or uncomfortable about it, you have the right to let them know how it’s impacting you. Pick a time when you’re both feeling calm and relaxed and aren’t busy with other things. Think about what you aren’t happy about, and maybe even write down some of your points so you feel fully prepared. It may even be an option to create a family agreement about posting online and getting permission first.
There are also some things that are important for parents (and everyone!) to consider if they are sharing content (with their children’s consent) online:
  • 1. **Privacy** – Review privacy settings on social media pages, making sure they are set to family and friends only. Consider making accounts private and only adding people known in real life.
  • 2. **Not sharing personal information** – Keep details like your address, school, and daily routine offline to ensure your safety and security.


  • 3. **Getting their child’s consent before posting anything** – Sometimes parents might want to post a photo of you that they think is nice, but you find it embarrassing. Their intention may not be bad, but if you’re not okay with it, then your opinion is what matters most. It’s vital to consider a person’s feelings about what you’re posting before you post it, and if a child is involved, ensure they fully understand what they’re agreeing to.
We live in a digital world, but it is important to step back sometimes and consider the reason behind why we’re doing something (both parents and young people) and why we want to post a particular thing online. Remember, your consent is the most important thing in this situation, and you have the right to say no to your information being put online. We can sometimes forget that our digital footprint is there forever, and we need to be conscious and responsible about what we’re posting for our own safety.
Again, thank you for your question; it’s an interesting and important topic to consider, and a good reminder to be conscious and aware of our safety online.
We’re always here to listen to you if you’d like to chat about it some more. You can contact us through our webchat service by clicking on the purple messenger circle at or calling us on 1800 66 66 66, 24/7 365.
Take care of yourself,

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