Alex's Answer

Scared of my dad

Your Question

I’m scared of my dad. I cry everytime he rises his voice at me, I’m scared to come home if he’s home, when he gets mad at me I’m scared he’ll hit me and when I hear him knock at my door I try to hide. I don’t even know what is causing this…?


Hi there, thanks so much for your question.

You’re telling us that you are scared of your dad. He makes you cry when he shouts at you. You are afraid to come home when he is there, and you’re scared that he will hit you when he gets mad. When he knocks on your door, you try to hide and you are unsure what is making you feel this way.

Firstly, we want to extend a warm welcome to you, and we want you to know that you’re incredibly brave for reaching out. It takes a lot of courage to talk about difficult experiences, especially when it involves someone as close as a parent. We’re here to listen and support you through whatever you’re going through.
It’s sad to hear that you’re feeling scared of your dad. No one should ever have to feel afraid in their own home. It’s ok to cry and feel overwhelmed by his words or actions. You deserve to feel safe and loved in your own space, and it’s not your fault if you’re feeling this way.
Sometimes, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what is causing these feelings, and that’s ok too. It’s important to recognise that you’re not alone in this. Many young people go through similar experiences, and there are people who can help. Would you consider talking to an adult you trust about what is going on? Someone like another parent, a grandparent, or a teacher. It is the responsibility of the adults in your life, to make sure you are safe.
If you ever feel unsafe at home, please remember that there are resources available to support you. In Ireland, you can contact the Gardaí at 999 or 112 for immediate assistance. Your safety is the most important thing, and it’s ok to reach out for help. Túsla, the Child and Family agency in Ireland, are also there to make sure every young person under the age of 18, is living in a safe environment. This is a website for young people made by other young people who have used Túsla services
Additionally, Childline are here for you, offering support and guidance whenever you need it. You can contact us at 1800 66 66 66 or through Live Chat at We have a trained team of people who can listen to your concerns, and explore your options with you, all in a confidential and non-judgmental space. We are open 24-hours a day, every day. So you never have to feel alone, there will always be somebody here to talk or chat with you. 
You are not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to help. Please remember to prioritise your safety and well-being above all else. You deserve to feel safe and supported, and there are resources available to help you through this challenging time.
Take care of yourself, and reach out for support real soon,

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