Alex's Answer

Red on the back of their pants

Your Question

 why did my friend have red stuff on the back of her pants 


Hello, thanks so much for getting in touch!

There are many reasons why their was red stuff on the back of your friends pants. Did you think about asking them or letting them know?

One of the reasons could be that your friend has a their period. If this is something you would like to find out more about maybe you could read this article in your own time Puberty & Growing Up (for Kids) | Nemours KidsHealth. 

Depending on your age, would it be possible to mention this to a trusted adult in your life? You could let them know you noticed your friends pants and you would like to learn more about what’s going on. Periods are perfectly normal and a part of growing up. There is absolutely nothing to worry about.  

If you ever want to chat, with us in Childline we are always here to listen. You are welcome to chat with us through our webchat service by clicking on the purple Messenger circlepat Alternatively, our free phone service is 1800 66 66 66. These are both an anonymous and confidential service, that provides you with a supportive, non-judgmental, friendly listening ear anytime you need. 

Take care of yourself and reach out to those who can provide the support you need real soon. Remember Childline is always here, so you never have to go through anything on your own,


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