Pat's Answer
To Pat / 11 Jan 2020
Topic: People bully me
Your Question
I have no boobs and people bully me
From Pat / 07 Feb 2020
Welcome to Ask Pat.
It seems that you are going through a tough time with people bullying you. It is important to remember that everybody is unique, and people develop at different stages.
Nobody has the right to bully you, and you have a right to help and support regarding how you are feeling and with what is happening for you. You might find it helpful to talk to a trusted adult such as a teacher, a family member or sports coach. Remember, Childline is always here to listen and to support you. You can call Childline on 1800 66 66 66 (24 hours a day), text Childline on 50101 or chat with Childline online on this website ).
Take care,
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