Alex's Answer

Not sure what I did

Your Question

My friend is mad at me and won’t tell me why, this has made me cry for a couple days now. What should I do 


Hi, you are very welcome to Ask Alex,
Thank you for your question and for reaching out to us.
You have been very brave to look for help, especially when things are difficult with your friend being upset with you, causing you to feel upset for a couple of days.
You have asked what you should do about this, and we have some advice below on how to cope with feeling like this:
– If you have a trusted adult that you feel comfortable talking to about what’s going on, whether it’s a parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent, teacher, coach, or youth worker, consider confiding in them.
– Give your friend space and time. It’s natural to want to resolve things quickly, but sometimes people need time to process their emotions. Try taking a step back and giving them space until they’re ready to talk.
– Take time to self-reflect on what may have happened. Use this time apart to think about the situation and gain insight into what might have caused the conflict.
– Put things into perspective. Consider the overall importance and closeness of your friendship to help you navigate your feelings.
– Try not to engage with unhelpful thoughts. Redirect your focus away from negative thoughts by practicing mindfulness or engaging in activities you enjoy.
– Ask to talk in person (if possible). Face-to-face communication can often lead to better understanding and resolution than text or messaging.
– Visit the Childline website for additional resources and information on coping with emotions, managing friendships, and dealing with bullying and abuse
If you would like further support, you can contact Childline by phone at 1800 66 66 66 or through Live Chat at We are available 24/7 to provide free and confidential support. Our team is non-judgmental and here to help you explore your options.
Thank you for reaching out, and we hope you find some of the information helpful. Take care of yourself, and come back to us again soon,

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