Alex's Answer

My sister bullies me

Your Question

My sister bullys me.


Hi there,  

Thank you so much for sharing that with us today, it is really brave to chat about bullying and especially when it is a sibling. Well done you. 

No matter the relationship, bullying is not ok, and you have the right to be safe. Being bullied by someone in life constantly is not pleasant, and there are several ways that bullying can happen and there are multiple ways that bullying can impact you. 

I am not sure of how many more siblings you have, or anything about your family, but it is important that you share this with someone, I know when it’s a family member it can be hard, you will have lots of feelings, but remember that the bully also need help and in this case your sister and you need to get help. 

Bullying can impact your mental and emotional health, and reaching out is a really powerful and brave thing to do. This is your first step in taking control. There are other things that you can do, and even though I think you are brave in reaching out, I feel if you chat to someone about it, especially and adult that you can trust. Have you thought about journalling, when this all occurs? This will help you with your feelings but you may also become aware of triggers of when the bullying occurs if it is sporadic. 

We have some articles on our website that you may find helpful also:;;  

Remember that Childline is always here for you and you do not need to go through this alone. There is a great team of people in Childline who would love to listen you, and you can talk to them anytime that you wish, the service is available to you 24 hours a day through webchat and phones. They can be reached through the free phone 1800 66 66 66 or using the live chat at You can start a chat at any time by clicking on the Orange Live Chat button on your screen. 

Take care of yourself,  


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