Alex's Answer

My parents make me sad

Your Question

Is it common to become sad because of my parents? I have went onto the childline website over 25 times because of them. They always make me feel bad about myself and they lie on me to make me look bad aswell infrobt of my siblings. I don’t like living with them and they are driving me off the edge. They did a lot more stuff that honestly is probably overboard and worse when i confront them they deny it all.


Hi there,
First of all, we want to say well done for reaching out and sharing your feelings. It’s not uncommon for young people to feel sad or upset because of issues with their parents. You’re not alone in experiencing these emotions, and it’s important to remember that your feelings are valid.
It’s essential to express your concerns and emotions, and it’s brave of you to confront your parents about how you feel. Sometimes, parents may not fully realise the impact of their actions, and talking to them can help bridge the gap. However, sometimes talking does not work, and you may need to reach out to another adult you trust for support. If you ever feel unsafe or need immediate assistance while at home (or anywhere else), don’t hesitate to reach out to the emergency services at 999 or 112.
You may like to have a look at this website: Túsla, the Child and Family Service in Ireland, which can help guide you in reaching out to a Social Worker in your area. You may need the help of an adult, which could be another family member your trust, or a teacher. It is the responsibility of the adults in our lives to make sure that all young people under the age of 18 is living in a safe environment. They also have a website is a website for young people by young people who have used Túsla’s services .
Another organisation which may be of help to you is the Children’s Rights Alliance ( This organisation can guide you to knowing your rights as a young person.
Remember, you’re not alone in this, and there are people and services available to support you. The Childline Team is here whenever you’re ready to talk. Our freephone number is 1800 66 66 66 or you may prefer to chat with us on our Live Chat service at Your well-being matters to us, and we are here to help you explore your options and provide the support you need.
Take care of yourself, we hope to hear from you soon,

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