Alex's Answer

My parents don't believe in mental health conditions

Your Question

How do I tell my parents that don’t believe in mental health that im suicidal 


Hi there. 

Thank you for getting in touch with Ask Alex. You have been so brave in telling us what is going on for you and it is also really brave and positive to hear that you are thinking about talking to your parents about how you are feeling.  

You have said that you are suicidal, and it sounds like you want to tell your parents but they don’t believe in mental health. Is that correct? What does it mean to not believe in mental health? You may be surprised that they do believe it but it is common for some generations to not fully understand what mental health and wellbeing means. Do you have another adult in your life who you could talk to about this who can help you? Maybe an aunt , uncle or teacher? They can find ways to support you and also help with the conversation to you parents.  

Feeling suicidal is a very big and real feeling and you have the right to access support and help and to be heard and listened too. There are some really great support services out there for young people , and they may also be able to guide you with these conversations; such as Pieta house ( Other supports for mental health include and 

We also have some articles on the Childline website that you may like to look at and it may also help to share these with your parents:;; and 

If you ever feel at immediate risk or unsafe it is important to call emergency services or the Gardaí. They can be contacted at 999 or 112 at any time.  

Remember, you deserve to be listened to and to have your feelings heard. Your feelings are valid, and you are not alone. If you feel that you are not ready yet to talk to someone you know, you are very welcome to chat with the Childline Team by phone on 1800 66 66 66 or through Live Chat on . Childline services are free and confidential, and are available 24 hours, 7 days a week.    

Thank you for reaching out to us, we hope you get the help you deserve real soon,.   

Take care of yourself,   


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