Alex's Answer

My Mum caught me Vaping

Your Question

my mum caught me vaping. i dont know what do and im on the verge of a panic attack. please tell me how to deal with my mum we have not discussed it yet 


Hi there,  

You are very welcome to Ask Alex and thank you for contacting us today.  

It sounds like you are really worried that your Mum caught you vaping, and it is causing you a lot of stress. How would you feel about having a chat with your Mum about this and let her know how you are feeling. We do understand that it can be difficult finding the right words sometimes when we are anxious, and writing down what we want to get across can be one way of helping us to decide what we would like to say. Or maybe you could give your Mum what you have written down to read herself, if that would be easier for you. 

We are wondering if you have you made an informed choice about vaping, like do you know what the side effects or risks are to vaping or did you feel pressured to vape because others were doing so? Here is an article from the HSE (Health Service Executive for Ireland) about vaping in case you did not know  

You also mentioned that you are on the verge of a panic attack. Have you had a panic attack before? Do you know how to calm yourself down? The Childline website has some articles on panic attacks which you may find helpful  

If you would like to chat more about what is going on for you, you are always very welcome to contact us here in Childline at 1800 66 66 66 or you can use our web chat on  (click on the orange Live Chat button/tab). All our services are open 24 hours a day, we never close, so there will always be somebody here to chat things through with you. 

We hope we have helped you somewhat, and please remember if you would like to chat more, we are here for you. You are not alone. 

Take care of yourself, 


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