Alex's Answer

My mental health is low

Your Question

i just wanna die i dont wanna be alive anymore my mental health is so low 


Hi there, thank you for reaching out to Ask Alex.

It sounds like you are going through a difficult time at the moment but you are really brave for reaching out to us. Remember, you are not alone and there are various services available to support you in improving your mental health.  

Do you have an adult you trust that you can talk to about your fears, concerns and mental health, like a parent, aunt/uncle, friend, teacher, neighbour or grandparent? Speaking to a trusted adult can help you to tackle the issue head on and if need be, they can help you to access available services like your GP.  

Sharing the problem helps a lot and can have a positive effect on the outcome; it’s a starting point towards you building up the confidence and ability to take back control and improve your mental health.  

If you do not feel ready just yet to speak to a trusted adult in your day-to-day life, please remember that our Childline service is here for you. You can reach out to talk or chat to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and our services are free and confidential. You can talk to us by phone by calling 1800 66 66 66, chat to us one-to-one through Live Chat on Our services are non-judgmental and we can help you look at what options are available for you.. You are never alone, and there are people available to listen to you now, so please reach out to us when you need help and support.  

If you are having thoughts of suicide, it is very important to speak to someone as soon as possible as there is support out there for you. 

If you need immediate help, you can contact the Gardaí at  999  or 112; both these numbers are freephone numbers. 

You can also contact Pieta House ( who offer a free crisis helpline for people with suicide ideation and self-harm on 1800 247 247 or Text HELP to 51444. 

Alternatively, you could also contact the Samaritans ( who offer a free phone service on 116 123.  

We hope this information has been helpful. Take care of yourself and we hope to speak to you soon,


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