Alex's Answer

My dad hits me when he’s mad and I can’t tell if it’s discipline anymore

Your Question

My dad hits me when he’s mad and I can’t tell if it’s discipline anymore 


Hi, and thank you for reaching out to ask Alex. 

Well done for getting in contact about this, we know it can be a very hard thing to do. You have said your Dad hits you when he gets mad and you can’t tell if it discipline anymore. We would be concerned to hear that your dad is hitting you.  

It is important to know that no one should ever hit you. Not even your father. In Ireland, hitting a child is not okay and you have the right to be safe and protected from harm at all times. It may be best to speak to a trusted adult about this, as being hit by anyone as a method of discipline is not okay. Perhaps a youth worker, or coach, or an adult relative that you can trust. 

People have the right to report any concerns of abuse to Social Workers or to the Gardaí. Túsla is the Child and Family Agency in Ireland. The social workers within Túsla are there for children and young people. It is their job to keep children and young people safe at home. You can find your local Túsla office here if you would like to get in touch with them or get information. If you feel unsafe at any time, or you are in danger, you can call the emergency services at 999 or 112. 

If someone is hitting a child or young person, it is a form of physical abuse. There are some articles on the Childline website that may help you with understanding this:;;   

If you feel like you would like some further support in relation this or you would like to speak to someone in confidence about this experience more or have any more queries you can call Childline and speak to a trusted adult 24/7 on 1800 66 66 66 or chat to on the webchat at , just click on the Orange Live Chat tab. You are not alone, Childline is here for you. We can help you look at what options are available to you; we can help you decide what your next step is.   

You have been so brave in reaching out to us today and we hope you have found this helpful.  

Take care of yourself,  


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