Alex's Answer

Keeping safe

Your Question

how do i stay safe


Hey there, thanks for your question!
First off, well done to you for looking for guidance on staying safe – it’s a smart move. Life can throw some unexpected challenges your way, but remember, you’re never alone in this journey. We’re here to be your support system, ready to listen, help, and explore options together.
Safety begins with understanding your surroundings and making informed choices. It’s good to be adventurous, but it’s even better to be cautious. Trust your instincts; if something feels off, take a step back and evaluate the situation. Always communicate with someone you trust about your plans, whether it’s a night out with friends or an online interaction. Communication with people you know and trust is key.
Building a network of friends who have your back is important too Surround yourself with positive influences who uplift and support you. Cyber safety is also a big deal, so be mindful of what you share online. Protect your privacy, and if you ever feel uneasy about an online interaction, talk to someone about it. Remember, you’re in control of your choices. Stay true to yourself and your well-being – you’re worth it!

If you would like to reach out and talk to us some more, our Childline Team are here to help and support you too. We do not judge, and we can explore your options with you. You can contact us any time of the day or night, the Childline Listening service never closes, we are here for you 24/7/365. Our free-phone number is 1800 66 66 66 or you can use Live Chat on our website


Keep safe, and know you are never alone, we are always here for you,



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