Alex's Answer

Is masturbation normal?

Your Question

Is mastrabation normal? 


Hi there, and welcome to Ask Alex! 

Thank you for reaching out, you have asked if masturbation is normal. This is a really common question, and one that young people often ask. We have had similar questions on Ask Alex and you may find them helpful to read also. Masturbation is normal and it is normal to begin exploring your body and sexual pleasure, which can be achieved through masturbation. You can find some more information about masturbation here 

Masturbation is a personal decision as to if and when you decide to masturbate.  

It is important that if and when you do masturbate that you are alone in a private, safe place. At home, it may be a good idea to have boundaries where family members agree to knock before entering your room/space. This article may help you with setting boundaries: Masturbation isn’t anything to be ashamed of, however, it is considered to be a private matter. 

Another important consideration when masturbating is hygiene and cleanliness. Hygiene has a big part to play in the exploration of your body as you do not wish to cause any infections, which may lead to discomfort or soreness. This means keeping hands and any objects you use clean, before and after you masturbate. 

You have been very brave in reaching out with your thoughts, as we know this can be a hard thing to talk about. If you would like to talk to a trusted adult about this further, Childline are always there to listen. You can call on freephone 1800 66 66 66, or you can start a live chat on by clicking on the Orange Tab on the right-hand side of your screen.  

Take care of yourself,  


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