Alex's Answer

I'm stuck in the middle

Your Question

All my friends are arguing with each other and I’m stuck in the middle 


Hi there. Thank you for contacting us and sharing with us what’s going on for you. 

It sounds like there’s conflict in your friend group and you are stuck in the middle of everyone. This must be a difficult situation for you, it can feel overwhelming especially if they are talking to you about each other and it would be important to just try and remain neutral and not get involved in any drama. 

Have you tried talking to any of your friends and told them how you are feeling, they may not realise how their arguing is affecting you and you have the right to say how you feel.  If you don’t think talking to them will help, do you have a trusted adult that you could talk to instead? 

There is an article on the Childline website that talks about friendships and that can be found here  You would also be very welcome to contact the team in Childline on free phone number 1800 66 66 66 or if you prefer you could use our web chat on, (click on the orange live chat button/tab).  All the Childline services are free, confidential and open 24 hours a day.  We would love to hear from you.  

Thanks so much for reaching out, take care. 


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