Alex's Answer

I'm sick, but I have to go to school

Your Question

Why is mom sending me to school when I have pneumonia


Hi there, and welcome to Ask Alex,
Thanks for reaching out to us about this.
Sorry to hear that you have been feeling unwell. Coping with pneumonia can be challenging, and it is essential that you are receiving the correct medical advice on this.
We are unsure about how your mom has been advised to treat your pneumonia. There are several different stages to pneumonia, and there are also different types. Some stages require more rest than others, but typically, lots of rest would be needed, which is crucial for your recovery.
We are not medical experts here, so it’s important to talk to someone from the medical profession about any medical concerns. If you are 16 or older, you can visit a doctor without parental consent. If you are unable to go to the doctor, you might find it useful to contact the HSE Helpline. Hopefully, they can provide you with the correct medical advice on this. You can find their contact details here:
It sounds like you are confused about why your mom sent you to school when you were ill. We wonder what it would be like to talk to your mom about it? Alternatively, you could speak to another trusted adult, such as another parent, a teacher, or another family member. They will hopefully be there to support you with this and help you clarify why you are going to school when you are ill.
You are also very welcome to contact us here at Childline anytime. Our freephone number is 1800 66 66 66, or if you prefer, you could use our web chat on (click on the orange Live Chat button/tab). All Childline services are free, confidential, and open 24 hours a day. We would love to hear from you sometime.
We hope you find this information useful, and thank you for contacting Ask Alex. Take care of yourself.

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