Alex's Answer

Im sad all the time and want to die what should I do?

Your Question

Im sad all the time and want to die what should I do? 


Hi there, 

Thank you for getting in touch with us today at Ask Alex. 

From what you’ve said, it sounds like things are really tough for you at the moment, feeling sad all the time and wanting to die. You are really brave to reach out to us. 

We can all feel sad from time to time, and when we go through different things in our lives. But if you are feeling sad all the time, it sounds like you might need some help and support with how you’re feeling, and that’s okay, you deserve to get the support you need. 

Does anybody in your life know about how you’re feeling right now? It can be really hard to open up and talk about how you’re feeling but we would really encourage you to talk to someone you trust. There is no right or wrong way to say what you’re feeling, and you could simply let someone know what you have said to us today – that you feel sad all the time and you want to die. You have a right to live a safe and happy life, and to find supports that help you cope when you are feeling like this. 

There could be someone in your family, or someone at school like a teacher or school counsellor. Maybe there is someone that has been there for you in the past. It is really important that you get the help that you deserve. Perhaps you (or a family member) could get in contact with your GP, who may be able to refer you on to further mental health services to help support you, and to give you the space to talk through what’s making you want to die. 

You are absolutely not alone, and there are also some services out there who could provide help if you would like to take a look at some of their websites. Pieta House ( have a 24-hour helpline for people who are experiencing thoughts of suicide. Another organisation is Jigsaw, they support young people’s mental health, and have different services across the country, their website is here so you can see what they have in your area. 

You can also contact us here any time of the day or night by clicking on the LiveChat button, (the Orange Tab on the right-hand side of your screen) and there will be someone to listen to you 24/7. If you would rather talk over the phone, then we also have our phone line on 1800 66 66 66. And remember, if you are ever in need of urgent support or are thinking of acting on your thoughts of dying, please reach out to your GP, go to your nearest A&E department, or phone 112 for the emergency services. 

You have taken a really big step in reaching out to us today. 

Take care of yourself, 


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