Alex's Answer

I'm not ok

Your Question

hi i’m sorry for bothering, i need help, i’m not ok


Hi there and thank you for contacting Ask Alex. 

No question to Ask Alex ever bothers us, we are always happy to receive questions from young people.

Firstly, can we say how you brave you are for reaching out and asking for support. You are saying you are not ok and you need help 

It sounds like you are having a really tough time at the minute. We wonder how long you have been feeling like this and what has happened/is happening that is making you feel like this. 

Do you have someone in your life like a family member, friend, teacher, or someone else, whom you talk to about how you are feeling? They might be able to support you in reaching out to an organisation that can help you.

If you are 16 and over you can attend your local GP where they can make a referral to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS  – If you are under 16 your guardian will need to accompany you to the GP. Your GP may also advise you of other services that can support you. 

If ever you need someone to talk to and you’re not sure where to turn, know Childline is here for you whenever you need us. You can phone us at 1800 66 66 66 for free, or use Live Chat ton our website We are open 24-hours a day, every day for non-judgmental and unconditional support.

Look after yourself, and remember, we are here for you any time for any reason, 



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