Alex's Answer

I'm looking to find my brother and sister

Your Question

i want to track down my younger brother and sister that i’ve never met before but i don’t know how old they are or their names or who their mother is, i just want a brother


Hey there, welcome to Ask Alex,
Firstly, we want to say we recognise the courage you have taken to reach out to us. It is completely understandable that you are curios about connecting with your younger brother and sister. You must be experiencing so many different emotions right now; and that is only natural. 
In situations like this, where details are scarce, it can be challenging finding or locating family members. One avenue you might explore is seeking assistance from organisations like FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres) that can guide you through the legal aspects of locating family members
Additionally, Túsla, the Child and Family Agency in Ireland, is dedicated to supporting families. They might be able to offer insights or guidance in the complexities of familial connections
Another helpful resource is Citizen, where you can find valuable information on various services and organisations that could help you in your quest Remember, these processes may take time, and patience is key.
Lastly, please know that you’re not alone on this journey. If you ever need someone to talk to, Childline is here for you. You can reach out to us by freephone at 1800 66 66 66 or through our confidential Live Chat at We’re available 24/7, ready to provide support, without judgment, whenever you’re ready to share your thoughts or concerns. You’re not alone, and we’re here for you, any reason, any time.
Take care of yourself,

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