Pat's Answer

I'm bisexual and it is against my religion

Your Question

I’m bisexual and it’s against my religion, my whole family are religious and I feel awful about it. I want to be happy but idk how. I’ve told my mother, she keeps telling me it’s a phase and it’s not real.


Welcome to Ask Pat. Thank you for your question. 

It sounds like you have a lot going on for you at the moment. You are saying that you are bisexual, but that being bisexual is going against yours and your family’s religion. You mention that you told your mother and she said it was a phase and not real.  

It sounds like you are feeling guilty about your sexuality and you would love to be happy and have your family accept you. Your feelings are understandable, and we are glad you decided to reach out, it is a really brave thing for you to do. 

You have the right to be happy and you have the right to your own personal feelings regardless of your religion. We understand that coming out to your parents in relation to your sexuality, was not an easy thing to do. From what you suggest, your Mother is not able to accept your sexuality quite yet. We all need support in relation to what is going on for us and you have the right to get support too. There are support groups to help you. How would you feel about getting in touch with them? 

Here are some websites you might like to look at: has lots of articles on lots of different topics. is an organisation for LGBTQI+ youth. There is also some information on relationships on the Childline website too. Here is the link 

Other Childline services are available to you as well. They are free and open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All the Childline services are completely confidentiality, if you do not give any identifying information about yourself. We do not trace calls, use caller ID or IP addresses. You can phone Childline on 1800 666 666, text us at 50101 or web chat with us through the website . Everyone at Childline would be happy to hear what you have to say, if you feel comfortable getting in touch. You can chose what you would like to talk about and you can contact us as many times as you need.

You are welcome to contact us anytime. Thank you for reaching out to Pat today. 

Take care of yourself, 


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