Alex's Answer

I think I have ADD

Your Question

I think I have add bit I don’t know who to ask for help and I’m scared to ask my mom


Hello, welcome to Ask Alex,
We’re really glad you reached out, and it’s completely okay to feel the way you do. Many young people experience challenges like this, and you’re not alone. It takes courage to talk about it, so well done you for sharing your concerns. It’s completely natural to be worried about how to ask for help. You can always rely on trusted adults, whether it’s a teacher, school counsellor, or another family member, to discuss your concerns. They can provide guidance and support.
Remember, you don’t have to go through this journey alone. There are resources like support groups and therapists who specialise in ADD and can help you in understanding and managing your symptoms. Here is an article on the Childline website about ADHD, which could help you If you notice you have some/any of the features mentioned, it is most important to get a professional diagnosis from a qualified medical practitioner . 
If you ever feel like you can’t talk to someone you know just yet, Childline is always here for you. You can call us anytime, day or night, at 1800 66 66 66, or you can chat with us on our website at, just click on the orange Live Chat icon on the righthand side of the screen. The service is non-judgmental and completely confidential. You’re never alone in this, and there are people who genuinely care and want to help you explore your options and provide support.
We hope this information helps, and we are here whenever you need to talk. You’re brave for reaching out, and remember, you have support available to you. Take care, and don’t hesitate to contact Childline or any other trusted adult if you need support or someone to talk to. You’ve got this! 
Best wishes,

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