Alex's Answer

I just need someone to talk to

Your Question

I don’t think I can go on for much longer. Hi Alex, I just really need someone to talk to, school life has been getting harder and I am stressing and having panic attacks more often than I ever have. I have been experiencing vivid suicidal thoughts. I have a very intense fear of being alone. It’s not being alone I don’t like, it’s being lonely. Even though I don’t want to be lonley, I feel like I shouldn’t deserve my friends and family. I have a new friend, and I really like her, but I feel like I could fall apart if she left me for someone else. I just don’t think I can go on. I’ve been thinking about what my friends would do if they woke up tomorrow and I was dead. I’m sure they wouldn’t care and would just get straight on with their lives, which is understandable as I wouldn’t care if I were dead tomorrow. Thank you for listening. I don’t know what to do. 


Hi there and welcome to Ask Alex.  


We know that it can be a difficult thing to reach out and talk about what’s going on for you, but we feel that this can be a helpful thing for young people, so thank you for being so brave and well done for taking the first step.   


If you are having thoughts of suicide, it is very important to speak to someone as soon as possible, as there is support out there for you. If you need immediate help, you can contact the Gardaí at  999  or  112;  both these numbers are freephone numbers. 


 You can contact Pieta House ( who offer a free crisis helpline for people with suicide ideation and self-harm on 1800 247 247 or Text HELP to 51444. There is also the Samaritans ( who offer a free phone service on 116 123. 


Have you been able to speak to an adult you trust about how you are feeling? They would be able to help you get the right support. Your GP also would be aware of local supports and be able to link you in with those too. 


If you would rather speak to someone outside of your family/friends/school, we are always here for you at Childline by clicking on the Live Chat button on this website or giving us a call on 1800 66 66 66. You can talk about anything you want to, and we are here to listen to whatever you would like to say. We are open 24/7 and are waiting to take your call or chat.


Take care of yourself,  


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