Alex's Answer

I have no time for anything other than basketball

Your Question

Alex I play so much basketball I don’t have any time for my friends or girlfriend anymore I play for Ireland basketball but I have no time for anything other then basketball.


Hi there, you are very welcome to Ask Alex. Thank you for reaching out to us.
We understand that it’s not always easy to share how we’re feeling, or what’s going on for us, but we also know how important it is to talk about it. Reaching out to Ask Alex is a huge step forward towards seeking help.
It seems like you’re deeply committed to your basketball journey, which is commendable. However, it’s important to strike a balance in life to maintain relationships and overall well-being. Here are some suggestions you may find helpful:
– Evaluate your schedule and try to allocate specific times for basketball, socialising with friends, spending time with your girlfriend, and personal relaxation. This can help ensure a more balanced lifestyle.
– Discuss your concerns about time commitment with your team and coaches. They may have suggestions or be willing to work with you to find a more manageable schedule.
– Set aside specific times for quality interactions with your friends and girlfriend.
– If possible, find ways to involve your friends and girlfriend in your basketball activities or vice versa. This way, you can share your passion with them and spend time together.
– Remember to take care of both your physical and mental well-being. Adequate rest, relaxation, and personal time are crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle balance.
You can always reach out to Childline if you feel you would like to talk through things a little more. You can contact the Childline Team by phone on 1800 66 66 66 or through Live Chat at You can start a chat by clicking on the Orange Tab on the right-hand side of your screen. Childline services are free and confidential, and are available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
We hope that some of the above information is useful to you. Please keep reaching out, and remember that there are supports available to help you.
Take care of yourself,

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