Alex's Answer

I feel my life is over

Your Question

I’m stuck, I feel like my life is over. I feel like such a failure. I don’t know why I’m still here.


Hi there,  

Thank you for reaching out to us at Ask Alex. We sense a lot of emotion in your question, and you are very brave to share this.  

You mention that you are stuck, feeling that your life is over and you feel like a failure. We are wondering why it is that you are feeling this now. Did something happen recently or have you been feeling like this for some time? Do you have any trusted adults or friends in your life that you can reach out to talk to for support? It is very important for you to get help with the thoughts and feelings you are having right now. 

Feelings of negative emotions can be hard to deal with, and you are very brave in facing them. Sometimes it can be helpful to have a safe space to describe and talk about these feelings and find ways of coping. If you are not feeling ready to reach out to someone you know, Childline offer a confidential listening service, and this can be a safe space for you to explore these feelings.  

It is also concerning to hear that you are not sure why you are still here. Maybe this is something you would like to talk more about? If you are ever concerned about having suicidal thoughts or feelings, there is help and support out there for you. You have the right to talk to a trusted adult, and the right to be supported. You deserve to be supported! Organisations like Pieta have a 24-hour service for people who are experiencing suicidal ideation . There are many articles on the Childline website which may also be helpful for you and  

Well done on acknowledging these emotions, we know it’s not easy. If you would like to talk to us before you talk to to someone you know, or even after you do, Childline are here 24/7 and you can reach us by calling 1800 66 66 66 or by chatting with us online at (click on the orange Live Chat button). You do not have to be alone at this time, we are here for you.   

Take care of yourself, we would love you to contact us real soon. 


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