Pat's Answer

To Pat / 22 Dec 2019

Topic: I don't want my parents to know

Your Question

i want to get help with something from a teacher in school my problem is slightly personal and im afraid to tell them. i dont want my parents to know. what are teachers aloud to tell and what are they not?

From Pat / 28 Jan 2020


Hi there

Thank you for contacting us. From your message it sounds like you would really like to talk to someone about what is on your mind. Unfortunately at this moment speaking to your parents isn’t an option for you right now.

You mentioned that you would like to share your information with a teacher and you would have the right to talk to a trusted adult about your worries.

This is a really brave step! All adults working directly with child have a duty of care to report a welfare concern to either the parents/ guardians or government authorities. This is called mandatory reporting: Mandatory reporting requires any organisation providing services to children to report any child welfare concerns to the child and family agency.

So if what is going on for you is not a welfare concern there shouldn’t be any reason for the teacher to contact and inform your parents about what is on your mind. However you do have the right to speak to a trusted adult about your thoughts.

How would you feel about talking to ChildLine? We are here to listen to you and support you, We don’t trace your call or use caller id. It is a private and confidential service and as long a you stick to your first name or even a nick name you can let us know what is happening in your day.

Childline can be contacted by calling 1800 66 66 66 (24 hrs a day), chatting online at, or texting to 50101.

Take care

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