Alex's Answer

I am being blackmailed over my nude photos

Your Question

What should I do if I am being blackmailed by a girl that had my nudes for money? 


Hi there and welcome to Ask Alex.  

Thank you for sending your question to Ask Alex and for reaching out. 

You asked what you should do if you are being blackmailed by a girl that has your nudes for money. We are really sorry to hear that you are getting blackmailed, and it is important that you to know it is not acceptable for anyone to blackmail you.  

A sexual image taken of you while you are under the age of 18 is considered to be child exploitation material. This means that the person blackmailing you can face serious consequences and may even be prosecuted.  

You need to speak with a trusted adult about this right away, as being blackmailed for nudes is something that should be taken very seriously. Following this, it is important to report it to the Gardaí immediately. You can also contact and have the images removed straight away should they appear online. 

Here is an article from the Childline website about receiving harassment/threats online:  

If you are finding it difficult to talk to a trusted adult, or don’t know what to say to them, please contact us without delay on our phone service 1800 66 66 66 or through our webchat service at by clicking on the orange Live Chat button. These services are free and confidential and available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. While we will not tell you what to do, we are here to listen to and support you, and to help you to explore the options that are available to you in your life. We are here to help you in a way that suits you.   

Take care of yourself,  


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