Alex's Answer

How to talk to my mom

Your Question

How Do i Tell My Mom I Need Therapy? 


Hi there, thanks for contacting Ask Alex. It’s good to hear from you. 

You are very brave to want to talk about your feelings as that’s not always easy to do. You deserve to feel safe and to get the help you feel you might need. There’s nothing wrong with seeking out the advice of a professional like a doctor or therapist. 

It sounds like you want to talk about going to therapy but you are worried about your mom’s reaction. Have you considered trying to speak with her and imagined how that conversation might play out? Does she know a bit about how you are feeling, or have you tried talking to her about that yet?

Before speaking with your mom, it might be helpful to write down your thoughts and feelings. This can help you plan what you want to say more clearly. When you’re ready to talk to her, try choosing a quiet and comfortable time, perhaps when you’re both relaxed and not distracted by other things. Remember to be honest and open with your feelings during the conversation. Let her know why you feel therapy could be beneficial for you. Emphasise that seeking therapy is a positive step towards self-care and healing. You might also consider discussing any concerns or fears you have about therapy with her. This way, she can better understand where you’re coming from and offer support

If you are still feeling nervous about talking to your mom, are there any other trusted adults or friends in your life that you could perhaps talk to? Maybe they could be with you while you are talking to your mom if you felt that would be a better way to let your mom know how you are feeling. These are all things to consider. Please feel free to look at this article as it has a lot of important information about getting help: 

You’ve done a great thing getting in touch with us. It shows that you care about yourself and want to get some help. If you want to talk some more, always remember you can contact Childline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and chatting is free and confidential. You can talk to us by phone at 1800 66 66 66 or chat to us through our webchat at, just click on the purple messenger tab on the side of the screen. 

Thanks for asking your question and take care of yourself, 


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