Alex's Answer


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Help me


Hi there, thank you for contacting Ask Alex. It’s very brave of you to reach out to us, as we know it’s not always easy for young people to ask for help.
You have asked for help, but we are not sure what you need help with. At Childline, we are very concerned if you feel unsafe because you have a right to feel safe and happy. If you are in any sort of danger, you can contact the Gardaí on 999 or 112. 
Or you can contact our Childline 24-hour service, where you will get through to a trained member of the team, a real person, who will support you and explore your options with you straight away. 
Is there an adult in your life that you trust and feel comfortable talking to about how you are feeling? It may be a family member, a teacher, a youth worker, a coach, or your GP. We know that it’s not always easy to share our worries and concerns, but we also know how important it is to ask for help when things are difficult.
Whatever it is, you do not have to go through this alone. If you feel that you cannot talk to somebody you know just yet, then Childline is here for you, and we would really love to be there for you. At Childline, we are focused on you and what is important to you. Our services are free and available 24 hours a day, every day. The team does not judge anything you say. You can contact us through our telephone service for free by calling 1800 66 66 66 or chat with us through our webchat service by clicking on the purple Messenger circle at
Take care of yourself. Know that you are not alone, ever. We are always here for you, any time for any reason. We hope to hear from you again real soon,

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