Alex's Answer

Haven't fully opened up

Your Question

Young Person’s Full Question


Hi there, 

Thank you so much for your question and reaching out to Ask Alex. 

It is understandable to feel apprehensive about opening up to your therapist; trust and vulnerability take time to build. The role of your therapist is to support you, not to judge you or be disappointed in you.

Some ways to help you feel more comfortable with you therapist are:

  1. Start by acknowledging your feelings: Communicating with your therapist around these fears and taking small steps towards sharing these fears. Remind yourself that therapists are trained to handle a wide range of emotions and experience.
  2. Your therapist is there to guide you through your journey.
  3. Communicate your fears of disappointing your therapist directly with them. Open communication can help you both understand each other better and work through any obstacles. 
  4. Your therapist is there to help you navigate through these feelings and work towards your healing. 
  5. Recognise and celebrate the progress you’ve made so far in therapy. Remember, therapy is a safe space for you to explore your feelings and experiences. Your therapist is there to support you unconditionally and your journey towards healing is unique and valid.

If you would like someone to talk through this experience with you, Childline have a 24-hour phone and online service for children and young people up to the age of 18. Childline is free and available 24/7. This service is non-judgemental and non-directive. Childline will never give out to you or tell you with to do and the service is completely confidential. 

You can chat with us through our webchat service, by clicking on the purple Messenger circle at or our free phone service is 1800 66 66 66. You are never alone. There are people who want you to be happy and are here to support you.

Look after yourself, and reach out again whenever you need us,


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