Pat's Answer

To Pat / 08 Dec 2019

Topic: Fears and stresses

Your Question

i’ve been having really irrational fears and stresses over the past few months.
first i got scared of what people thought of my appearance, interests and stuff but then i got really scared that they [ by they i mean everyone around me, whether i know them or not ] were always looking at me and judging last week i started feeling that everyone could hear me think , which i know they can’t , but because of that every time i’m around people [which is most of the time] i start just thinking breath in one, two, three, four breath out one, two, three, four

it’s really scaring me out because i know that people can’t hear my thoughts but however much i try to stop it just gets worse.

it’s been getting in the way of what i do in school and how hard i work because i can’t think about the work, or when i have a conversation i spend the whole time just thinking they can’t hear this, just speak, don’t think

it’s starting to scare me a lot

From Pat / 17 Jan 2020


Hello and welcome to ‘Ask Pat’.

In your email, you have given a very clear description of what has been happening for you and how frightened you are by what you are experiencing. This must be tough for you and not something that you should be going through on your own.

You have a right to get some help from an adult you trust and it would also be important to talk to your family doctor about what has been happening. You might find it helpful to talk to Childline about how you are feeling and to look at what your support options might be.

You can contact Childline for free 24 hours a day by calling 1800 66 66 66. You can also chat with us live on this website, or, if you prefer to text, you can contact Childline by sending a text to 50101.

Take care,

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