Alex's Answer

Could I have an eating disorder

Your Question

Hi, I think I might have an eating disorder because I feel totally out of control and feel I don’t have any option except not eating because then I will be fat. I fast for 20 hours every day and I only allow myself a small amount of calories every day and lots of foods scare me, I can’t even go out with my friends anymore or have people over for dinner without breaking down crying because I have to eat more. I’ve lost loads of weight but I’m still not happy and can’t look at myself in the mirror without hating what I see. I can only wear long jumpers and it’s really hard. I have loads of food rules and it’s getting too much and I don’t know what to do… 


Hi there,  

Thanks so much for your question and reaching out to us here at Ask Alex.  

Firstly, we would be concerned for you and the relationship you have with food. You have taken a very brave first step in reaching out by sharing with us what’s been going on for you. You have the right to get help and support.   

What you have described is very serious. It is important that if you’re worried about your relationship with food to talk to a trusted adult. Can you think of anyone in your life that you could talk to? It could be your parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers or friends.  Once they know what you are struggling with this will allow them to be a better support to you.  

We need food both for our physical and mental well-being. You cannot run a car without fuel in the same way our bodies cannot run without food. In saying that, our relationship with food and any difficulties that we may be experiencing relating to it is very complex. It is possible that you may need the support of a professional like a doctor or a counsellor.   

There are websites of organisations which can offer help and support to you, here are some you might find helpful:;;    

You might also like to read some articles on the Childline website: 

You are welcome to talk to Childline by phone on 1800 66 66 66, or through Live Chat on Childline is here for you anytime, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The services are free and confidential. We are non-judgemental, and we will not tell you want to do. We can help you explore what options may be available to you.   

Thank you for reaching out to us. We are here to listen, and we are here for you whenever you would like to chat. Please get in touch with us soon.   

Take care of yourself, 


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