Alex's Answer

Confused about sexuality

Your Question

Im really confused about my sexuality 


Hi there!
Thank you so much for reaching out to Ask Alex with your question; we know it can be a hard thing to do.
You’ve mentioned being confused about your sexuality. Are you looking for support in coming out, discussing it, or exploring available resources?
Have you spoken to anyone about your sexuality before? This could be a friend, a teacher, or another family member. Having someone to talk to about this can help with understanding ourselves further. It may seem like a scary thing to do, so it might help to plan out how you think this conversation will go and express how you would like them to support you.
Exploring and understanding your sexuality is a normal part of adolescence. Remember to be patient and kind to yourself as you travel this journey of self-discovery. It’s ok not to have all the answers right away, and it’s ok for your feelings and understanding to evolve over time.
You can find more information about understanding your sexuality at BelongTo also offers youth groups where LGBTQI+ individuals can meet and find support. Being a part of these groups may help you as there will be other young people who are in similar situations. Additionally, LGBT Ireland provides online support services accessible throughout Ireland at
Childline’s website also offers helpful articles, such as
If you feel like you need further support or aren’t ready to talk to someone you know yet, you can contact us at Childline anytime. Childline is a non-judgmental and confidential listening service available by phone at 1800 66 66 66 or through Live Chat on You can start a chat anytime by clicking on the Orange Tab on the right-hand side of your screen.
Take care of yourself, and know we’re here to talk whenever you’re ready,

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