Pat's Answer
To Pat / 23 April 2020
Topic: Ask Pat
Your Question
What is the Childline website address?
From Pat / Date Month 2020
Childline is Ireland’s 24-hour national listening service for all children and young people (under the age of 18) in Ireland. It is private, confidential and non-judgemental and can be contacted for free from anywhere in Ireland.
Childline can be contacted by any child or young person by calling 1800 66 66 66 (24 hours a day), texting to 50101 (10am – 4am daily) or chatting online at (10am – 4am every day).
Children contact Childline to talk about any issue on their mind. Some children who contact Childline may feel upset, or isolated, while others simply contact Childline to chat about their day or share their hopes and dreams.
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