Alex's Answer

Your Title

Your Question

Can u help me with something ?? 


Hi there, thank you for reaching out to Ask Alex.  


You can reach out to talk or chat to us here at Childline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and our services are free and confidential. 

Our team is here to lend a listening ear and speak to you about anything on your mind. Childline not only listens but helps young people build their coping skills by empowering them to explore support options that work for them. Childline also provides information and advice on various issues that young people find hard to cope with.


You can talk to us by phone by calling 1800 66 66 66, chat to us one-to-one on Live Chat at . Our services are non-judgmental and confidential. You are never alone, and there are people available to listen to you so please reach out to us when you need help and support.  


We hope to hear from you soon,  


Ask me a question

You can ask me about anything you want, there’s nothing too big or small.