Alex's Answer

Are you funny

Your Question

Are you funny


Hi there, welcome to Ask Alex. 

Thank you for your question about whether Ask Alex is funny.  

We do not mind anyone having a laugh or telling a joke, everyone is here to listen and make you feel at ease. Nothing is too big or small to talk to Ask Alex about; when you send a question to Alex, the replies are public and not private, so other young people can read them too. We respect everyone’s privacy, so no personal information will ever be shared when responding to your question. If your question is chosen and published, it will be under one of the subheadings on the Ask Alex page. You can talk about anything. We will never judge or criticise you; we are here to listen and support you, and your call or chat is confidential – meaning that we would not share it outside of Childline, unless you want us to do so. 

 If you feel the need to speak to someone urgently, we have a 24-hour Childline Listening service, which is available for every young person up to and including the age of 18. 

Just like our Ask Alex service, nothing is too small or too big to talk to Childline Listening about. You can talk about anything. Your call or chat is confidential – meaning that we would not share it outside of Childline, unless you want us to do so. In this case, it would be Túsla or the Gardaí, as it is there job to make sure that all people under the age of 18 years is living in a safe place.

Everyone in the Childline Team is here to listen, and we can help you figure out your options. We will never tell you what to do. We are here to empower, support, and protect young people. 

You do not have to have a problem to contact Childline; we are here to listen to anything that may be on your mind. The services are free, and you can contact Childline by phone at 1800 66 66 66 or online through Live Chat on our website 

We hope this answers your question. Feel free to contact us anonymously, anytime. Take care of yourself


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You can ask me about anything you want, there’s nothing too big or small.