Alex's Answer

Are my parents allowed to hit me

Your Question

Mum and my dad have been hitting me I’m scared of them do they have a right to hit me ???


Welcome to Ask Alex, 

Thank you for taking the first step and reaching out for support and discussing what is happening for you, we know how difficult this first step can be.  


You have asked the question “have they a right to hit me? You say that you are talking about your mum and dad”. We are so sorry to hear this is happening to you and would be very concerned that you are being hit by those who should be looking after you. In short, to answer your question, no they have not got the right to hit, hurt or threaten to hurt you in anyway. Nobody has the right to physically cause any pain to you. You have the right to feel safe in your own home not scared.  


Anyone who raises their hand to cause you physical pain or physically hurts you in any way, is being abusive towards you and that is not accepted here in Ireland. It is important to know you have the right to report any concerns of abuse to the Social Work Department or the Gardaí. Túsla is the Child and Family agency in Ireland, and they have Social Workers who work with children and young people under the age of 18 to ensure their safety. You can contact Túsla through or via phone from 9am-5pm Mon-Fri on 0818 776 315. If you are in immediate danger, please contact 112 or 999 to link with the Gardaí.


It is important to know that you are not alone, and we would encourage you to reach out to a trusted adult in your life that will help you through what the next steps will be. This could be an aunt, uncle, grandparent, teacher, neighbour anyone that you feel comfortable enough to talk with and that you will feel supported by.  


If you feel that you cannot turn to a trusted adult at present, you can always reach out to our Childline team. We have a 24 hour freephone number 1800 66 66 66 or you can use the Live Chat link on our website at 


We hope that some of the above information has been useful for you and that you get the support you deserve. Keep reaching out you are not alone. 


Look after yourself, 


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